Monday 5 July 2010

Bedtime story.

'Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived with her mother at the edge of a deep, dark forest. Everyone called the girl 'Little Red Riding Hood', because she always wore a bright red cloak with a bright red hood'.
'Like Spiderman?'
'Well, no, not like Spiderman, like......'
'Like Spiderman, like Spiderman!!'
'OK, like Spiderman'.
'No Daddy, it IS Spiderman!'
'So Spiderman lived in the forest with his mother?'
'And a Dinosaur!'
'Spiderman and a Dinosaur lived in a forest with his mother?'
'Yes. Come on Daddy, tell the story'.
'OK. So Spiderman and Rex (his friend the Dinosaur) lived in a house with his mother at the edge of a deep, dark forest. Everyone called him 'Spiderman', because he always wore a bright red suit with spider webs all over it,....'
'...........just like Spiderman. Anyway, one sunny morning his mother said, 'Granny isn't feeling very well.Please will you take this basket of goodies to her, to make her feel better?' 'I will', replied Spiderman. 'Remember', said his mother, 'stay on the path and don't stop to talk to any strangers on the way'.
'Don't talk to DRAGONS!'
'Remember', said his mother, ' stay on the path and don't stop to talk to any Dragons on the way'. So Spiderman and his bestfriend Rex the Dinosaur skipped along the path to Granny's house. They had only gone a short way into the deep, dark forest, when a sly, nasty wolf with big shiny teeth and long sharp claws jumped out onto the path, right in front of them'.
'And Rex gobbled him up!'
'Gobbled up the wolf?'
'One big bite! Yum, yum, yum'.
'But the wolf's a key character,......'
'Yum, yum, yummy!'
'OK, maybe not that key,....'
'Good boy Rex, said Spiderman, yum, yum, yum!'
'So, they skipped along the path to Granny's house with,.............. no trouble at all! No strangers to speak of, just a lot of skipping, Spidey and Rex having a good old stroll. A short time later, they arrived at Granny's cottage and knocked on her door'.
'It's a DRAGON!!'
'The Dragon's in Granny's cottage?'
'They think he's Granny!'
'Has he dressed up like Granny?'
'No. He looks like a DRAGON!!'
'So why do they think he looks like Granny?'
'Because he's in Granny's house!'
'Of course he is.'
'Silly Daddy!'
'So, Spiderman and Rex the Dinosaur couldn't believe their eyes. 'Oh Granny', they said, 'It's so nice to see you, but what big ears you have!' 'All the better to hear you with', said the Dragon.' Come closer, you two'. So Spidey and Rex took a step closer to the bed. 'Oh Granny, what big eyes you have!' 'All the better to see you with,' said the Dragon. 'Come closer, you two' So Spidey and Rex took another step closer. Now they were right beside Granny's bed. 'Oh Granny!' they cried. 'What big teeth you have!' 'All the better to eat you with, my dears!' And,.....'
'........and Buzz and Woody grabbed some cheese.....'
'Some cheese?!'
'.....and Rex went Rooooaaaaarrrrrrr! And Spiderman went whoosh! woosh! And Buzz
went ' In-tin-tea and be-yonnnnnnnd! And the Dragon went AAAAAAAAAARRRR!
And everyone was everyone. THE END!'
' ?????????'
'I like that story.'
' ?????????'
' Night- night Daddy.'
'Night- night Bear'.
'And we can have bon-bons for breakfast?'
'No. No bon-bons'.
'Shall we talk about it tomorrow, Daddy?'
'Ok Cheeky monkey, time for night-nights.'
'Night-night Daddy'.
'Night-night Bear.'


  1. You know, there's a whole world of alternative bedtime stories waiting to be published. That was fantastic! Fancy a job?

  2. Cant wait for tonights installment!

  3. Found your blog through a twitter recommendation.

    Love your Jackanory story!

  4. Thank you - he has many more to share (I try & keep up as best I can!!)
