Tuesday 13 July 2010

Mum's are from Venus, Dad's just like Mars!

TAO - Yin and Yang opposite and complementaryImage via Wikipedia
The battle of the sexes is an age old tale and one, quite frankly, I've never wanted to engage in ( possibly through fear and not wanting to be banished to the sofa, again!)
But when it comes to Mums v Dads, now there's a can of worms I don't mind disturbing.

I think, in general, us Dads just tend to annoy the other half of our parental partnerships, where more often than not, we're getting told off more than our kids. Many a time I've been banished to my very own naughty corner because I've been to:
  • Irresponsible
  • Weak
  • Not adhering to our 'Parental Agreement of raising OUR children' - as set out by Mum!
  • Not paying attention
  • Relinquishing sweets too easily!!

This list could obviously continue (embarrassingly too much so!!) but what I'd like to point out is that it is these very differences and parental 'disagreements' that generate such well grounded and  well rounded  kids - (your Yin to my Yang, your Tom to my Jerry).

'Good cop, Bad cop' is, after all, a Hollywood staple diet. You can't have an on the edge Riggs without a stable down to earth Murtough, now can you?
We may have different ways and means but we definitely share the same objective - having bright, happy and content children.

So next time you're chastising your partner on how different they are from YOU and how they raise the children so UNLIKE YOU, remember, life's all about balance. None of us want our kids to be like us, we want them to be the better parts of us.

So, to my better half;
I thank you.
I love you.
But, above all,  leave me alone, it's working!!
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